Well, you’re probably wondering
“who is this guy and why in the world
should I listen to him anyway?” Right?
My name is Monte Warren.
Here are the bullet points so I don’t take up
too much of your time.
• I take very good care of my clients, kind of like a concierge service and am very passionate about the excellent quality of work that I create for them.
• I operate with integrity and try my best to keep my promises.
• I am laid back and easy going but quietly passionate about great work that achieves your goals. My goal is to keep you very happy, make you look good to your boss, and help your company grow in the process.
• I have been in this business for many years and yet am still relatively sane.
My experience includes: marketing agencies, in-house corporate communications departments, boutique design studios, & freelance. What I create is beautiful, effective Concept, Design, Content, Search Engine Optimization, Video, and Photography. I apply my skills to Websites, Web Mastheads and Pages, Infographics, Logos, Banner and Print Ads, Brochures, Direct Mail, Email Campaigns, Packaging, Sales Presentations, Trade Show Booth, design and execution. I am comfortable with Budgeting, Media planning and placement. We can create whatever you need to market your business with attractive creativity online or in print.
I am a native Texan and University of North Texas Screaming Eagle graduate! I know how to say “y’all” and all of the advanced conjugations of “fixin”. I also love sweet tea. I am happily married with 2 grown kids, both married with their own families. I love my family. I love the outdoors – hunting, camping, biking, canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. Music, too, – I play a little acoustic guitar and drums. I also understand that God is running the show and will take care of my family. Everything I have was given to me by Him and I am grateful and thankful for it.
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at my site. Please give me a call or shoot me an email. I would really appreciate the opportunity to meet you and make you smile with your marketing results.
Monte Warren
Warren Advertising Design
972-342-0491 • montewarren1@gmail.com
Coppell, Texas 75019